Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Getting my braces off!


Finally I got my braces off! Here is my experience so if you would like to know what happened then carry on reading.

I finally got to go back to the orthodontist about two weeks ago to get my braces off. I was really excited but nervous at the same time. A few months into my treatment I switched dentists but it was still at the same place, once I changed I felt like my experience got much better. My new dentist trimmed my wires properly and talked to me about what he was going to do and kept on talking to me even when he whilst he was doing the things that made me nervous. throughout the rest of my treatment I didn't have any problems, apart from sore teeth after my braces had been tightened.

When it finally came to the day when I had to get my braces off I was excited but also very nervous. so I talked to my dentist about any worries that I had or questions that I wanted to ask.

To begin he took pliers and clipped off all of the brackets, this didn't hurt, I only felt a bit of pressure but it was no problem. Next he took a drill and began to get off all of the glue. This felt strange but again, didn't hurt. then because it was quite dusty and my mouth felt dry afterwards, he let me rinse with water. Then came the part I was most scared for. THE MOULDS! 

With this new dentist I felt that he handled it well and kept me calm. He explained everything to me and what he was going to do. First I laid down and he put the mould in and leant me forward and told me to put my head towards the ground so the mould was away from my gag reflex and it was not half as bad as the first time I got them done, and after he again let me rinse with water.

Then came the time to reveal all...

I am extremely pleased with the way my teeth turned out, they did feel a bit strange and slimy at first but I soon got used to that.

I went in a few days later to pick up my retainers, I bought a black glittery box to put them in i only have to wear them at night but for the rest of my life if i want to keep my teeth straight (which i do obviously) I don't think that they are any problem or bother, they don't hurt. When i take them out in the morning, i brush them gently with my toothbrush to keep them clean.

Typical Pink Teenager

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Getting Braces and Braces experience!

I got my braces on the 21st November 2013.  It was a lot less scary than i had imagined.  the worst part and the only bad part for me was the moulds.  they felt very uncomfortable in my mouth and the top mould made me gag (sorry if thats TMI).  

My tip for the moulds is:
 *stay relaxed
 *don't panic
 and don't pull it out.

The dentist should talk you through what they are going to, if they don't then just ask them to, they cant say no.

Once I had the moulds done I rinsed with mouthwash to get any extra pieces of the mould out of my mouth and I caught my breath.
Then they laid the chair back, put the cheek extractors in and began to put my braces on.

I kept my eyes shut whilst they were putting the braces on, i think this helped me keep calm.  It didn't hurt at all.  If you get braces then I highly suggest shutting your eyes because I actually found it relaxing which probably sounds really weird.

After they had done they just let me leave.  I wasn't allowed to eat or drink for one hour.  This was to make sure the glue had set properly.

When i did eat, i didn't hurt until later that evening.  For at least the first week.  I couldn't touch my back teeth together so it was difficult to eat but i just ate soft foods.

 They ached for about a week but i wasn't in extreme pain.

It would probably hurt more if your teeth are worse than mine.  My braces were mainly for a couple of gaps of the bottom and my two front top teeth were tilting in.

overall my braces haven't been a problem.  I had to go back because i needed my wire trimming at the back because of where my teeth had got brought closer together the wire didn't need to stretch quite as far.

I have definitely noticed good a difference.  When i first got my braces they felt really large in my mouth.  I got used to that within about a week and a half.

I also noticed myself having moving my lips over them but i've stopped that now.  I do get food suck in them but if i'm at home i just brush them but if i'm out of the house then either use the mini toothbrushes (I don't know the technical name, oops) to get the food out of them.

I have been craving fizzy drinks during the christmas period so i just drink them through a straw and try not to let the fizzy drinks touch my braces.  Also I brush my teeth extra well that night so (hopefully) the dentist doesn't realise.

Thats all for today.  Sorry i haven't posted in a long time christmas has been really busy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and if you want to see any specific posts then let me know.

Typical Pink Teenager